The ALAS project was a transregional initiative of Lesvos, Figueira da Foz (Portugal), Piran (Slovenia) and Pomorie (Bulgaria), aiming mainly to rescue traditional salt-pans in the respective areas. The project name (ALAS), that refers to the homophone Greek word (salt), is also an acronym for All About Salt.
The project, that had a three-year duration (1999-2002), was financed by the European Committee, in the framework of the programme ECOS-Ouverture. The Department of Geography, played a leading role in the project by, providing the principal investigator, the ideas and planning of the project, the proposal writing and submission to European Committee, but also by realising the largest part of the project’s research.
The most important infrastructure resulting directly from the ALAS project was the founding of the first Museum of Salt in Greece.